The D328® Uplift Flying Testbed becomes the First Large Aircraft to Successfully Fly with 100% Synthetic Zero Aromatics Fuels
Wessling, 16 October 2024 – German aircraft manufacturer Deutsche Aircraft has successfully operated the first-ever test flight using 100% synthetic zero aromatics fuel in both engines of the D328® UpLift flying testbed.
This is the first time a CS-25 aircraft has operated solely on a fuel that is chemically identical to Power-to-Liquid fuel (PtL). The flight, which was conducted at Oberpfaffenhofen Airport on 9 October 2024, is the starting point of the CLIM0ART inflight emission measurement campaign, which will investigate the benefits of using 100% zero aromatics PtL to reduce climate impact.
PtL can be produced using sustainable CO2, renewable energy and water in the future, offering the potential to reduce the CO2 balance by up to 95% as well as decreasing non-CO2 effects.